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Festival / Event / Culture

Restore the patriotism of Admiral Yi, 420 years ago

Mokpo is the gateway of west and south sea of the Korean peninsula, connected to Seoul through yellow sea to the north and connected to Gyeongsando using a sea route of south sea to the east and south, and the entrance coming andgoing to the inland along with the Youngsan River which is named by Mokpo. At the 14th year of Sejong reign of Chosun dynasty (1432),the navy camp of Jeollado was relocated and at the 21st year of Sejong (1439), Mokpo Manhojin was installed which made it recorded in the history. In Yudalsan mountain, a beacon fire station was bult to prepare for the invation of Japanese raiders.

During Japanese Invasion in 1597, Admiral Yi installed the navy camp in Gohado after the victory of Myeongryang War, to secure 50 battleships and 8,000 navy within 4 months which helped to develop the military power to beat Japanese invasion at Noryang sea battle and overcome the national crisis.Thus, in order to announce the meaning of Mokpo recorded first in the history and raise the spirit of protection of country by restoring the patriotism that Admiral Yi showed 420 years ago, the Mokpo Admiral Yi Sun-sin and Navy Festival was planned and has been held continuously.

Overview of Festival

  • Period : every April
  • Venue : Gohado and Nojeokbong in Yudalsan
  • Contact : Culture and Art Department of Mokpo City (061-270-8320)

Main Events

  • Birthday Ceremony : Incense Burning and Worship, Carry out of Festival
  • Triumphant general and navy parade : Navy of King Sejong and Seonjo, Current Navy parade and Performance of honor guard and naval band
  • Ganggangsullae : Reproduction of Ganggangsullae, one of folk play for the protection of nation
  • Navy Changing Ceremony and Martial Team Performance, Festival Commemorating Music Concert, Experience Event etc.
  • 목포시장과 관계자들이 참석한 탄신제Birthday Ceremony
  • 수군교대식 무예시범모습Navy changing ceremony and martial team performance
  • 사람들이 한복을 입고 강강술래를 하는 모습Ganggangsulle